FAQ on NovaCloud Calculator

FAQ on NovaCloud Calculator   Will the NovaCloud calculator show in foreign currencies and points value? Yes. Effective 20th August 2024, the NovaCloud calculator will allow you to view the estimated costs in your preferred currency and points value.

FAQ on Multi-currency in Portal

FAQ on Multi-currency in Portal   What is the new multi-currency feature? The new multi-currency feature, effective 20th August 2024, allows you to manage your account and transactions in foreign currencies, providing greater flexibility and convenience.     Who can manage the currency settings for my account? The primary user and manager role will be

FAQ: Point System for NovaCloud Platform

FAQ on Point System for NovaCloud Platform   What is the new point system? Introducing IPSERVERONE’s new points system designed for transactions within our cloud self-service portal effective 20th August 2024. Your points can be used for the usual actions like purchasing services under our NovaCloud platform.     How do I purchase/ top-up points?