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Mount IP ServerOne Object Storage in Linux (Ubuntu) using Rclone
This is a guide on how to mount Object Storage’s from IP ServerOne.
Step 1: Login to IP ServerOne Portal. Afterwards, view the left side of the page and click on “Object Storage” under the “Cloud Platform”.
Once you clicked the “Object Storage”, you’ll be able to see as below (if you do not have any Object Storage created). You would need to enable object storage in your account first before you can create any. Click on “Enable Object Storage” to proceed.
Step 2: Create Object Storage in IP ServerOne’s Portal
Once you have enabled object storage in your account, you’ll be brought to a new page with a pop up to create your “bucket” and access key.
First part of the process, you would need to create your “bucket” name. If you’re not sure what to name your object storage, our system can help you to generate one! Make sure your bucket name is unique as you won’t be able to proceed to the second step if its similar to other bucket name in our database.
Second, you would need to create an access key. You can follow the example as below but the difference is changing the key name.
Once you created the access key, you’ll be given all the information as below. Make sure to copy the information provided and save it at a secure place.
You would see that an object storage has now been created if you see it in the list:
You managed to created an Object Storage in IP ServerOne! Now we’re going to mount the object storage via Linux (Ubuntu). In order to mount, you would first need to install rclone via terminal.
Step 3: Installing rclone through terminal
Open terminal and install rclone by running the command below:
You can check if rclone is installed by running:
You would see the following:
Step 4: Configuring remote for the object storage through terminal
Once rclone is installed, we will begin to configure the object storage created in IP ServerOne’s Portal. First, run
Type n to proceed.
Next, they will ask you what is the name of your remote. There’s no restriction on how you would need to name the remote. For this example, we will use “ips1” for [name].
For [storage], input 4. Next, for [provider], input 13.
For [env_auth], input 1. Afterwards, you would need to put the access key in [access_key_id] and secret access key in [access_key_id] that you received from step 2.
Next, you would need a region to connect to. Input 1 for [region]. For [endpoint], you would need to input
The [location_constraint] is based on the bucket name that created in Step 2. For this example, I created a bucket name glass-wearer-001, therefore the [location-constraint] should be glass-wearer-001.
For [acl], input 1. Should you need a basic settings for the remote, you can proceed with n when asked to edit advanced config.
Now, you will be given the Remote Config that you just created. Proceed with y and you can now see the remote(s) that you have created.
Proceed with q to exit the config remote.
Step 5: Mounting the object storage
First, you would need to create a directory for the object storage to connect. Run
You can rename the object-storage-directory to your preferences.
Second, you would connect to the object storage. Run the following command in the terminal:
For this example, I would run the command based on the information below:
REMOTE_NAME: ips1 (at the end of step 4)
BUCKET_NAME: glass-wearer-001 (in step 2)
PATH-IN-LOCAL: ~/object-storage-directory (the directory you just created)
Therefore, I run the command below:
Third, you can now open your “Files”. On the left side, you can see “object-storage-directory” has been mounted.
If you click on the object-storage-directory, you’ll see as below:
To confirm that the object storage is now connected, go back to the IP ServerOne’s Portal and go to Object Storage page.
Click on “View Objects” on the Bucket you connected with.
Now, you’re going to upload file in the portal. Click on “Upload File”.
Upload file(s) based on the types allowed. Press “Upload” once you’re done. You’ll be able to view the file upload as below:
Now, try to go back to “Files” in Linux (Ubuntu). You’ll able to see the uploaded file:
Congratulations! You’ve successfully mount the object storage to your Linux (Ubuntu). As the file upload shown, Good Job!
If you want to unmount the object storage, go back to terminal and press Ctrl+C.
Tips: Should you want the object storage to mount automatically upon start up, follow the guide below:
Press Windows > Search for Startup Applications Preferences
You should see the app opened:
Click on “Add”.
For name and comment will depends on you.
You would need to input sh -c “COMMAND_IN_STEP_5 IN_SECOND_PART” as command.
For this example, I will input below in the command section:
Once you’ve saved, any time you open your Linux (Ubuntu), the object storage is automatically mounted.
For more information on any of the steps, feel free to email