What you need to pre-install directadmin on Centos 6, 7 and 8

Before installing DirectAdmin, there are some basic programs that you’ll need.  The following are the typical commands used before we install DirectAdmin. CentOS 6 yum install wget tar gcc gcc-c++ flex bison make bind bind-libs bind-utils openssl openssl-devel perl quota libaio \ libcom_err-devel libcurl-devel gd zlib-devel zip unzip libcap-devel cronie bzip2 cyrus-sasl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed \ autoconf

How to view full email header in SmarterMail

Email header contains a lot of vital information, such as the sender email address, location, mail server, return path and etc. It is hidden by default in SmarterMail but you can still view it. Step 1 – Open any email and click on “View” and “Header”.   Step 2 – Email header will be displayed

What is greylisted email?

Introduction Have you ever experienced delays when sending emails, only to find that using a different email address resolves the issue instantly? This can be puzzling and frustrating, especially in a business environment where timely communication is crucial. One potential cause for these delays is a process known as Greylisting, an anti-spam measure implemented by

How to setup LAMP configuration on Ubuntu

You need to set up a LAMP server if you are planning to run your site using content management systems such as WordPress or Joomla. LAMP is an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP; four of the most commonly used software to host and run virtually all websites on the Internet. Linux = Choice

How to create page redirection?

Here is the short guide to show how to use a simple PHP script to redirect user from one page which they have entered to a different web page. The primary reason you may want to do create page redirection is that the page which visitors trying to access no longer exists. By create a page

How to Open Ports in iptables

Introduction When managing a server, you might need to open specific ports in your firewall to allow traffic to pass through. This guide will show you how to open ports using iptables command, a powerful tool for configuring the Linux kernel firewall.     Step-by-Step Guide to Opening Ports in iptables   Step 1: SSH

How to change default domain in DirectAdmin

Introduction Welcome to this quick guide on how to set the default domain in your DirectAdmin control panel. The default domain is the primary web address linked to your hosting account and serves as the key identifier for your online presence. This might be particularly relevant if you’re in the midst of rebranding, launching a

How to rename a domain in DirectAdmin

You may rename your domain in the DirectAdmin control panel. To do so, please follow the steps below: Step 1: Login to your DirectAdmin control panel, then search for your domain in the search text box or click on domain. Step 2: In the following page, click on “Domain Administration”. Step 3: click on “Change