How to Set Domain Registration Defaults

Domain default registration allows users to create different profiles to easily set domain contact preferences upon registering a new domain name. Step 1: Login to the Portal and select My Account from the Username drop-down menu. Step 2: In the following page, select Domain Defaults. Step 3: To create a profile, click Add. Step 4: Fill

How to Enable New Ports in Windows Firewall – Windows Server 2016

Introduction For applications to communicate through the Windows Server firewall, specific ports must be opened. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to enable a port in the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.   Procedure Overview Access Windows Firewall with Advanced Security: Open the control panel or directly access the Windows Firewall with Advanced

DirectAdmin Add-on Additional Domain

Introduction This updated guide details the process of adding an additional domain to your DirectAdmin account, ensuring your hosting setup remains organized and efficient. Prerequisites Access to DirectAdmin. A registered domain ready to be added. 1. Login to DirectAdmin as user. 2. Click on Domain Setup   3. Click On Add Another Domain   4.

All About SPF Records and How to Manage it

Introduction Sender Policy Framework, also abbreviated as SPF. SPF is a framework designed to prevent email phishing/forgery. With SPF, if a spammer attempts to send emails with a faked “from” address, the message will be rejected by mail servers that use SPF verification.   Understanding SPF records An SPF record is a single TXT entry

Getting Started: Understanding DNS Records

Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) serves as a vital component of the internet, acting as a decentralized directory for computers, services, and resources connected to the web or private networks. Essentially, DNS functions as an address book, translating user-friendly domain names into the numerical IP addresses required for communication between devices. DNS plays a

How to create MySQL database in DirectAdmin (Enhanced Skin)

Introduction This knowledge base will guide you through the steps to create a MySQL database in DirectAdmin   Prerequisites Access to DirectAdmin: Ensure you know your username and password to log in to DirectAdmin.   Steps to create MYSQL Database 1. Login into Direct Admin as user. 2. Under Your account, click MySQL Management 3.