Guidelines for assigning secondary users, configuring roles, and setting notifications in the Customer Portal

Introduction This guide outlines how to assign secondary users (also known as delegate access), set the roles, and customize notification emails for each user. This functionality simplifies team management by ensuring that each member has the appropriate access for their responsibilities and receives relevant notifications. Follow these steps to efficiently grant access, set roles, and

FAQ: I cannot login to my customer portal?

I cannot login to my customer portal? If you’re unable to log in to your Customer Portal, try resetting your password using the Forgot Password option and ensure you enter the correct email address. Please refer this guide to reset password. If the issue continues, or if your account may be deactivated due to inactivity,

FAQ: How can I manage my DNS records if my DNS is hosted with my domain provider (registrar)?

How can I manage my DNS records if my DNS is hosted with my domain provider (registrar)? If your domain’s TLD is using registrar nameservers (e.g., and for WEBNIC), you can manage DNS records through the Registrar Management Portal at For detailed instructions, please refer to this guide. For other domain providers,