How can I access the webmail for the domain?

How can I access the webmail for the domain? If you are using cPanel or DirectAdmin interface webmail, you can access the webmail for your domain by navigating to the following URL in your browser: Replace “” with your actual domain name. Log in using your email credentials.   If you are using Smartermail

FAQ: How to Fix “Authentication failed 535 Incorrect authentication data” in Outlook?

How to Fix “Authentication failed 535 Incorrect authentication data” in Outlook?   Sometimes you encounter an error message such as Authentication failed 535 Incorrect authentication data or SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed when logging into Outlook, or any other email client. One possible cause is because the email password is too weak. Luckily, the problem can

FAQ: Introduction to Fidrive

What is FiDrive ?   FiDrive, a cloud platform where you can drag and drop your files or folders into FiDrive so you could use them as a file storage backup, or file sharing. FiDrive is developed using NextCloud as a source code and re-deployed to fulfill IP ServerOne’s client needs. Below are the guides


IP ServerOne: Your Trusted Managed Cloud Provider​ Discover the warmth and personalized care of our managed cloud services and let us show you how “We Host Better.” IP ServerOne is a leading managed cloud service provider in Malaysia with a regional presence. Since 2003 (incorporated in 2007), we have been committed to delivering seamless hosting