FAQ: Looking for technical

Looking for Technical Support? If you need assistance from a technical support agent or are experiencing a technical issue, you can start a live chat with human. Alternatively, you may call us at 0320261688 for immediate assistance, or submit a ticket through the customer portal – Help Center or email support@ipserverone.com for further support.

FAQ: How to Access SmarterMail Webmail?

How to Access SmarterMail Webmail   Access Webmail in SmarterMail Go to Webmail URL: Visit https://smXX.small-dns.com. (Replace the XX with the specific number provided in your login details) eg: IPS1 Smartermail URL  Log in with Email Credentials: Username: Your full email address (e.g., you@yourdomain.com) Password: Your email password Alternative Access (IP Method) If you prefer

FAQ: How to Access cPanel Webmail?

How to Access cPanel Webmail   Access Webmail in cPanel Go to Webmail URL: Visit https://yourdomain.com/webmail or https://yourdomain.com:2096. Log in with Email Credentials: Username: Your full email address (e.g., you@yourdomain.com) Password: Your email password Choose a Webmail Client: Select Horde or Roundcube to view and manage your emails. Alternative Access (IP Method) If using an

FAQ: How to Access DirectAdmin Webmail

How to Access DirectAdmin Webmail   Access Webmail in DirectAdmin Go to Webmail URL: Visit https://yourdomain.com/webmail or https://yourdomain.com:2222. Log in with Email Credentials: Username: Your full email address (e.g., you@yourdomain.com) Password: Your email password Choose a Webmail Client: Select Roundcube to access your inbox.   Alternative Access (IP Method) If using an IP address: http://your-ip-address/webmail

FAQ: I cannot renew my domain?

I cannot renew my domain? Please specify the payment issue you’re encountering (e.g., declined payment, page error, or loading issue) and confirm your domain’s renewal eligibility (e.g., within 40 days of expiry, in the redemption period, or over 70 days expired), so we can assist you effectively. Alternatively, you can select the “Domain Name Renewal”

FAQ: Does IP ServerOne support the App Center in NovaVault?

Does IP ServerOne support the App Center in NovaVault? IP ServerOne focuses on supporting the infrastructure layer of NovaVault. Users can take advantage of NovaVault’s robust features for data management and storage; however, support for the App Center is outside our current offerings. For future assistance, please submit your inquiry through our contact form at