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Domain Life Cycle for .COM, .NET, .ORG, .ASIA, .CC, .ME.

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The WebNIC domain name lifecycle for TLDs such as .com, .net,, .cc,and .me details the essential stages from registration through renewal and expiration, offering domain owners a clear roadmap to effectively manage their online presence.


During the Active phase, the domain remains fully operational and is actively used for website hosting, email, and other online services. The domain will continue to function until its expiry date.


Once the domain reaches the Expired status, it becomes suspended. All associated services (e.g., website hosting, email) will be affected. However, if the domain is renewed within the expired period (typically 40 days), no additional fees will be incurred for reactivation.

Redemption Grace Period

In the Redemption Period, the domain remains suspended. To restore it, you will need to pay both the regular renewal fee and a redemption fee of USD 80. This combined fee is required to bring the domain back into the active status.

Note: Failure to renew during the redemption period could result in the domain being auctioned off, displaying ads, or transferred to a third-party provider, as outlined in WebNIC’s terms and conditions.

Pending Delete

If no renewal action is taken during the redemption period, the domain enters the Pending Delete phase. At this point, the domain is in the process of being deleted.

Open to Public

Domain is deleted by the registrar and availability will be on WEBNIC’s decision.

By understanding the stages of the WebNIC domain lifecycle and taking timely action, you can ensure your domain’s continued availability and avoid the risk of losing valuable digital assets.


Last edited on September 5 2024, by Sya