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Domain Lifecycle for .MY

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A .MY domain name is a valuable asset for businesses and individuals operating in Malaysia. Understanding its lifecycle is essential for effective management. From initial registration to renewal, there are several key stages involved. By familiarizing yourself with these stages, you can ensure that your .MY domain remains active and accessible.


The domain remains fully operational and active from the date of registration until its expiry date.


Auto Renew Grace Period

Once the domain has expired, it will be suspended and enters the “Auto Renew Grace Period,” which lasts for 40 days. During this time, the domain remains in a suspended state. No additional fees are incurred if the domain is renewed within this grace period.


Redemption Grace Period

During this phase, the domain remains suspended. If you choose to renew the domain during this period, you will incur both the renewal fee and redemption fee. This combined fee is required to restore the domain.


Pending Delete

If the domain is not renewed during the Redemption Grace Period, it will move into the “Pending Delete” phase. This period lasts for 5 days, during which the domain cannot be restored or modified.



The domain has been deleted and is available to the public for registration.


By understanding the detailed stages of the MYNIC domain lifecycle, you can effectively manage your domains and ensure they continue to meet your needs throughout their entire lifespan.


Last updated by Wynston on 21 February 2024.