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How to Check Your Server’s PHP Version and Installed Modules

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This document provides a detailed guide on how to check the PHP version and installed modules on your server. It is intended for website administrators and developers who need to verify their PHP environment for compatibility and configuration purposes. Following these instructions will help you ensure that your PHP setup meets the requirements for your applications and troubleshoot any potential issues.


Before proceeding with the steps, ensure that you have:

  • Basic knowledge of using FTP clients (e.g., Filezilla) or Control panels platform (e.g., DirectAdmin, cPanel).
  • Access credentials for your server’s FTP or control panel.
  • A web browser to view the results.


Follow these steps to check your PHP version and installed modules:

  1. Access Your Server via FTP or Control Panel Platform
    • FTP Client: Connect to your server using FTP credentials and navigate to the public_html directory.
    • Control Panel Platform: Login to your hosting control panel, access the File Manager, and navigate to the public_html directory.
  2. Create a phpinfo.php file
    • In the public_html directory. create a new file named phpinfo.php .
  3. Add the PHP script
    • Open phpinfo.php for editing and paste the following PHP code:
    • Save the file after adding the code.
  4. View PHP Information in Your Browser
    • Open your browser and navigate to:
    • Replace with your actual domain name. This will display a page with detailed information about your PHP version and installed modules.
  5. Delete the phpinfo.php File
    • For security reasons, delete the phpinfo.php file after viewing the information. This can be done by:
      • FTP Client: Right-click on phpinfo.php and select “Delete”
      • Control Panel: Locate the file in File Manager, right-click, and choose “Delete”


By following these steps, you can easily check your PHP version and view the installed modules on your server. This information is crucial for ensuring your server environment is properly configured for your applications.

For additional assistance or if you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at


Article posted on 20 Mar 2020 by Louis