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How to create databases in Plesk 12.5

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Managing databases is a fundamental task when administering websites through Plesk. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and remove databases, manage database users, and access databases using the Plesk interface. It covers all the necessary steps to efficiently handle databases and user accounts, ensuring your web applications run smoothly and securely.

This guide is intended for Plesk administrators and users who need to manage their databases directly through the Plesk interface. It will cover creating and deleting databases, managing user permissions, and connecting to databases using various tools. Understanding these processes is crucial for maintaining a well-organized and secure database environment.



  • Access to the Plesk control panel with administrative privileges.
  • A hosting subscription that permits database management.
  • Familiarity with basic database concepts, such as users and permissions.


Step-by-step Guide

Step 1: Creating a Database

  1. Log in to Plesk and navigate to Websites & Domains > Databases.
    • This section lists all the databases associated with your websites.
  2. Click on “Add Database” to open the database creation form.
  3. Enter the database name in the “Database name” field.
  4. If available, select the database type (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and the database server from the drop-down menus.
    • This option depends on your hosting subscription permissions.
  5. Under “Related site,” choose the website that will use this database.
    • This helps organize databases by associating them with specific websites, making management easier.
  6. Click “OK” to create the database.


Step 2: Managing Database Users

A database must have at least one user account to access it. You can create a database user during the database creation process or add one later.

  1. To create a database user, check the “Create a database user” box when creating the database.
    • This option will open additional fields for entering the username and password.
  2. To assign an existing user to the database:
    • Go to Websites & Domains > Databases.
    • Select the desired database and click “Add New Database User.”
  3. Specify the username and password for the new database user, then click “OK.”
    • You can also enable the option “User has access to all databases within the selected subscription” if required.

Note: Setting appropriate permissions for database users is crucial for security. For more information, see the “Setting Up Custom Access Rules” section in the Plesk documentation.


Step 3: Removing a Database

  1. Go to Websites & Domains > Databases.
  2. Find the database you wish to remove and click “Remove Database” under the database entry.
    • Warning: You can only remove databases that are not being used by installed APS applications. If the option is not available, the database is in use and can only be deleted by removing the associated application.


Step 4: Accessing Databases

  1. Navigate to Websites & Domains > Databases.
  2. Click on the appropriate link to access the database, depending on the database type:
    • phpMyAdmin for MySQL databases.
    • pgMyAdmin for PostgreSQL databases.
    • myLittleAdmin for SQL Server databases.

    Note: If the link is missing, contact your hosting provider.

  3. If accessing the database using other tools:
    • For MySQL and PostgreSQL, provide the hostname (or IP address) and the database user login and password.
    • For Microsoft SQL Server, specify the server instance. For example,\MSSQLSERVER2008 or\MSSQLSERVER2008 for SQL Server 2008. For SQL Server 2005, no instance name is required.

    To view this information, click the “Connection Info” link under the database name in the Plesk interface.



This guide has covered the process of creating and removing databases, managing database users, and accessing databases through the Plesk interface. By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your databases, ensuring your web applications operate securely and reliably.

Should you have any inquiries about the guidelines, please feel free to open a ticket through your portal account or contact us at We’ll be happy to assist you further.

