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How to fix cPanel email error : has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour (5/5)

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This guide helps resolve the error indicating that a domain has exceeded the maximum allowed email defers and failures per hour. This issue can prevent emails from being delivered successfully.Example of the bounce back error messages is as below:

Domain has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour (5/5 (100%)) allowed. Message discarded.


  • SSH access to your cPanel server.
  • Root user privileges.

1. Login to your server via SSH


2. Navigate to your email limits directory

cd /var/cpanel/email_send_limits/track/your_domain_name

After going to the path, you can see the refer file related to the domain by running the following command:

ls -la


3. To remove all the defer files located in the directory, run the command below:

rm -f *


4. After that restart the Exim:-

service exim restart



This process removes the deferred emails and resets the limit. Ensure to monitor for underlying issues causing the high defer or failure rate. For additional assistance, contact support at