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How to verify if your public IP address is blacklisted

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This guide explains how to check if your public IP address has been blacklisted. An IP address can be blacklisted if it’s suspected of sending spam or other malicious activity. Being on a blacklist can result in your emails being blocked or internet traffic being restricted. This article is intended for users who want to verify their IP address status and take necessary action if their IP address is blacklisted. The process involves using online blacklist checking tool to determine the status of your IP address.



  • Internet access to use online blacklist checking tool.
  • Your public IP address. You can find this by visiting websites like


Step-by-Step by Guide

1. Find your public IP address

Visit to find your IP public address. Copy the IPv4 address, as you will need it for the blacklist check.


2. Check your public IP address using MXToolbox

Visit, and paste the copied IPv4 address into the provided input box. Click the ‘Blacklist Check’ button to begin the scan.


3. Review the results

The tool will display a list of blacklist databases and indicate whether your public IP address is listed on any of them. If your IP address is not blacklisted, the results will show ‘not listed’ or ‘clear’ for all the databases. If it is blacklisted, you will see which databases have listed your IP address.


4. Take action if your IP address is blacklisted

If your IP address appears on a blacklist, visit the respective blacklist’s website for information on why your IP address was listed. Follow the procedures on the website to request removal. This typically involves resolving the issue that led to the listing (e.g., spam activity) and submitting a removal request. Some blacklists may automatically remove your IP address after a period, while others require manual action.

If your emails are still failing to send after removal, there may be another underlying issue. In such cases, please send an inquiry to for further assistance.



Verifying whether your public IP address is blacklisted is an essential step in ensuring that your internet activities, such as sending emails, are not disrupted. By regularly checking your IP address status and resolving any blacklist issues, you can maintain a healthy network reputation.



Article posted on 17 April 2020.